All source content is copyright (C) 2008 to Judysteapot and reflects her personal views only. The name "Judysteapot" is a private trademark.  I reserve the right to remove comments made that do not reflect the nature of this blog.



 Hi - I hope you've made a cuppa before you sat down to browse through Judysteapot? because you'll be here for a long time!

Meet my family, friends and many others who have encouraged, supported, inspired, motivated, listened, challenged me on my journey through life: many a time without even knowing it!

I hope you enjoy reading 'Judysteapot' just as much as I have putting this site together. This is the latest part of my journey, and it has proved to me that you're never too old to learn new things, meet and make new friends, share ideas, concerns, joys,  and have new adventures.

Please read and comment on my blogs - it helps me to get to know you too.

Or 'drop me a line' on the contact page.

"Welcome the task that makes you go beyond yourself" Frank Mcgee

 Enjoy and visit again :)
