Fun Monday - Monopoly

Our hostesses for this week’s Fun Monday are Mama Drama at visit them and discover more trivia to drop into conversations -


Mama Drama has set us the following task:-


Remember way back in elementary school when you had to do a report on James Garfield, the 20th President of the United States and you told the class all about how he was shot after only four months in office? You also remember that he recovered after a week, but doctor's continued to probe at the healed wound causing complications and resulting in his death almost three months later? Okay, we all knew that about Garfield, but you also remember that James Garfield could write with both hands at one time and in different languages.!!! Why do you remember that? Maybe for you it wasn't James Garfield, but somewhere in your past education, you picked-up some little bit of useless information that you've never forgotten.

What funny trivial fact do you remember that you probably should have forgotten a long time ago?


I couldn’t remember anything from school days (too long ago!!) so I’ve stretched the theme a bit (sorry) but I did read the following trivia/info about the game Monopoly which I found interesting.



The game Monopoly was in fact originally invented by a Quaker called Elizabeth Magie-Phillips in 1903 to teach the downfalls and evils of land speculation and the tendency of badly regulated markets to create monopolies (Tescopoly introduction by Andrew Simms). The original game had properties called Beggerman’s Court, Lonely Lane, Easy Street.  The game’s idea was stolen by a sharp sales rep during the Great Depression and sold to a games manufacturer – hence the game we have to today which is totally contradictory to the original idea. 

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